TV series example of the word

Game of Thrones Season 7, Episode 4
Yes, I'm sure Queen Cersei's reign will be quiet and peaceable.
শান্তিপ্রবণ, শান্তিপূর্ণ, শান্তিপ্রি়
(1) Inclined or disposed to peace,disposed to peace or of a peaceful nature,friendly,serene
(2) Inclined or disposed to peace
(3) Disposed to peace or of a peaceful nature
(4) Friendly
(5) Serene
(1) I found myself in the midst of a huge peaceable army of helpers in a thousand uniforms - military and civilian.
(2) There's now a way to move forward through entirely peaceable and democratic means.
(3) Okay, but then how would an airline figure out that he's a peaceable fellow except by, well, identifying him?
(4) Throughout these poems, the implicit argument is: Why can't the whole world be as peaceable as my little corner of it is?
(5) The Viking city in 975 AD is a fairly peaceable sort of place.
(6) That anger, however, will not lead me into a terrorist response, any more than it will the vast majority of our overwhelmingly peaceable citizens.
(7) Elections happen on time and votes are accurately counted and peaceable changes of government occur as a matter of unremarkable course.
(8) Others went on to lead normal, peaceable lives.
(9) There can be no such thing as a peaceable secession.
(10) At worst, the outcome could be wholesale slaughter on a scale that makes the current level of daily mayhem look like the peaceable kingdom.
(11) Reportedly, the otherwise peaceable crowd pelted him with plastic bottles and bran muffins.
(12) But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable , gentle, open to reason, full of mercy and good fruits, impartial and sincere.
(13) The dervishes are renowned for their peaceable and affable disposition, which sets them apart from an awful lot of Turkish menfolk.
(14) And though their numbers are small compared to the peaceable majority, they nevertheless constitute a growing hinterland for this militancy.
(15) This clearly acknowledges the possibility that innocent civilians going about their peaceable business may be stopped, hassled, even arrested, merely for resembling someone naughty.
(16) The first, which has even been recognised by Canadian law, is that freedom of speech should be subject to such limits so as not to be detrimental to peaceable society.
(17) For now, the religious factions are facing off in a fairly rarefied and generally peaceable manner.
(18) It is a, so far, peaceful place filled with, I think, peaceable people.
(19) The Shiites, also grateful, are also relatively peaceable .
(20) Indeed, he was most peaceable as he accepted the chain of office, though he did remind us of a Hollywood boxer at one point.
Game of Thrones Season 7, Episode 4
Yes, I'm sure Queen Cersei's reign will be quiet and peaceable.