(1) Several passive cooling systems have been developed and tested.
(2) An underacknowledged distinction in studies of legitimacy centers on whether the organization seeks active support or merely passive acquiescence.
(3) Most optical gas sensors are passive , relying on the inherent spectroscopic properties of the gases themselves.
(4) Numerous simple declarative sentences, at times virtually unconnected conceptually, and rampant use of the passive voice make the book difficult to read.
(5) The question is simply this: do these words give us a true example of a verb that is middle or passive in form but active in meaning?
(6) A passive solar hot-water system preheats water for the showers, and a photovoltaic array supplements municipal electricity.
(7) I tuned the passive sensors to their highest level.
(8) A handful of misspellings, constant use of the passive voice, and frequent repetitiveness mar the study.
(9) Instead, the memo I circulated to the faculty was firmly rooted in the third person and utilized the passive voice.
(10) In winter, the passive system makes use of the buffer zone for cooling and the mechanical system provides heating.
(11) From passive viewing to active buying is just another step.
(12) But I really do hate passive voice and buried claims like the plague.
(13) The 82845GV GMCH is just adjacent, and is cooled by a rather small passive heatsink only.
(14) The passive voice gives a sense of detached and objective authority that, in contrast to the imperative mode, is expressive of neutrality.
(15) The second report lapsed into the passive voice.
(16) Choose active or passive verbs for their special effects.
(17) Use active verbs - but don't dismiss the passive .
(18) The South African government's passive response to events in Zimbabwe inevitably raises awkward questions about the depth of its own commitment to democracy.
(19) Some of these devices may have features that offer more resistance to test interference or disturbance than other passive devices.
(20) Of the passive devices, the charcoal canisters and charcoal liquid scintillation detectors are typically used for short-term tests.