(1) An associate in an activity or endeavor or sphere of common interest
(1) Shop elsewhere, pardner , cause you ain't finding that on the shelves here.
(2) Well then pardner , come on down to Dirt Rag territory for the Fifteenth Annual Punk Bike Enduro.
(3) Well, pardner , shoot from the hip, 'cause if you don't lay out some ground rules, you might wind up getting two-stepped on.
(4) Well, then, perhaps you need to go check out Pottymouth, pardner !
(5) You and me, pardner, against the world
(6) If you walk into the Navy Exchange Mini-Mart here in search of a six-pack of Coors Light at 7:01 p.m., you're out of luck, pardner .
(7) Howdy pardner , Taylor ‘Psychosis’ Bell here once again to provide you with valuable information on a game you should avoid at all costs.
(8) Hey, pardner , you can be in his jock, and he'll get his shot off.
(9) He invited me to come and stay with him and his pardner , in their diggins, and take pictures of mining operations.
(10) The little girl on the right was his dance pardner .
(11) And yes, before you get on your high culture-jamming horse, I know I'm not the first one to do this, so ease off pardner .
(12) That's some pretty good talking about not talking, pardner .
(13) The President of the United States is coming to Canada, and Canadians ain't none too happy, pardner .
(14) I mean, it's so okay to want the sturdy pardner who's there, more than there.
(15) Grab yourself a sarsaparilla, pardner , and join Judge Bill Treadway as he reviews this underrated Western.
(16) You and me, pardner, against the world
(17) ‘Kidnapping young girls don't pay like it used to, pardner ,’ Jack said.
(18) My favorite gun-toting, right-of-center, gay Texan has some interesting poll numbers for you to ponder, pardner .
(19) ‘You're right about that, pardner ,’ said the Duke.
(20) But if Vic could speak today, he might well be saying, ‘Welcome to Las Vegas, pardner .’
(21) Howdy pardners , time to check what's in the OK Corral today.
(22) Some pardners with years of experience in the business of watering holes have put their heads together to launch a new one, and they've swung open the doors just in time for the Calgary Stampede - and all the money it brings.