TV series example of the word

The Big Bang Theory Season 7, Episode 5
What started as a pap smear turned into a date.
জাউ, মণ্ড, শিশুদের জন্য নরম খাদ্য, চুচুক, স্তনের বোঁটা
(1) Worthless or oversimplified ideas,a diet that does not require chewing,advised for those with intestinal disorders,the small projection of a mammary gland,food
(2) Worthless or oversimplified ideas
(3) A diet that does not require chewing
(4) Advised for those with intestinal disorders
(5) The small projection of a mammary gland
(6) Food
(1) Limitless channels serving up an undemanding diet of pap
(2) At the age of 5 months, a baby should be given pap , besides breast milk.
(3) Trying to eat a trayful of tasteless pap
(4) They were undoubtedly harder to make and are often far more refreshing than the usual pap that gets projected our way.
(5) Both numbers have a degree of sophistication that is not exactly very high, but much higher than the pap offered in other contemporary and even more modern musicals.
(6) It's all bland, unoriginal pap that will only appeal to the nostalgia-seekers of the original BSB generation.
(7) Such ingenuity and self-confidence should be applauded at a time when Hollywood churns out bland twentysomething pap at vast cost.
(8) Her conspicuous wealth, derived from the public demand for the pap she peddles, is further cause for resentment.
(9) The argument goes that TV schedules are full of pap , with too much concentration on entertainment rather than the worthier fare of education.
(10) It's an unfortunate trend that news magazines, like the underrated Bulletin, are perceived as being the men's domain, whilst the lightweight pap is for women.
(11) I remember thinking the plot was sentimental, rubbishy pap .
(12) The sorry state of preaching is reflected in, and no doubt encouraged by, the pap that passes for devotional writing and u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510homiletical helpsu251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb among today's Catholics.
(13) How odd to find suddenly that the British have all the style and authenticity, and the Americans, the Australians and the French have all the pap .
(14) The only thing that it had to have was some kind of bite to it, not the pap that you hear in the charts.
(15) It's such a shame that teachers are getting sent out to teach very needy students and are getting such pap in their education programs.
(16) Therefore to stuff the baby with paps and slops is to deprive it of the most strengthening food; for if its stomach be filled with pap , there cannot be any room for food.
(17) I would look forward to reading your editorial accompanied by a well-thought-out illustration - now all you give me is pap .
(18) Babies are breast-fed on demand, often for well over a year, although solid foods, usually rice pap , may be introduced at a young age.
(19) They continue to resist the corporate juggernauts that routinely flatten talent into the pap of pop.
(20) Not a day is free of the pap that infects British culture.
soft food
soft diet
The Big Bang Theory Season 7, Episode 5
What started as a pap smear turned into a date.