অত্যধিক, সাতিশয়, নিপট
অতিমাত্রায়, সাতিশয়
(1) Very great in quantity; overabundant
(2) Very great in quantity
(3) Excessive
(1) More than necessary,unduly
(2) More than necessary
(3) Unduly
(1) A quantity that is more than what is appropriate
(2) Surplus
(1) The man wasn't known for celebrating anything overmuch , especially when preparing food.
(2) Yet Reana trusted him and did not worry overmuch for his sake, especially since all of her concern had been reserved for a certain old man.
(3) If the guy wants what is best for his country, and if he does not infringe on mine overmuch to do it, he can go right ahead.
(4) Sometimes we argue overmuch when what we should do is shut up.
(5) We no longer need to look everything up, or worry overmuch about pronunciation.
(6) Let us not, however, flatter ourselves overmuch on account of our human victories over nature.
(7) The first thing you must learn is not to fear me overmuch .
(8) But if I'm honest the illogicality didn't concern me overmuch .
(9) Do not worry overmuch , Cale, we'll solve this soon.
(10) She bit her lip to keep it from trembling overmuch .
(11) He would like to see people taking a little more exercise rather than worrying overmuch about whether they've eaten too much chocolate.
(12) I would not worry overmuch
(13) This is a tiny airport with very few formalities and even fewer facilities, so nobody worries overmuch about designated parking places.
(14) His expression smoothly dispensed of his surprise and assumed a look of cunning which Em didn't like overmuch .
(15) What critics or audiences think of me doesn't worry me overmuch , as long as I am still offered new challenges in the theatre as well as cinema.
(16) So we should have no wish to punish them overmuch .
(17) The notion that he was a great man who hesitated overmuch to exercise power over his brother bishops seems to me to be much closer to the reality.
(18) She was requiring overmuch from him
(19) I would not worry myself overmuch
(20) Taylor originally trained as a lawyer, but, having damaged his eyesight in studying, sought work which did not involve overmuch reading and writing.
too much