(1) (bridge, especially when your partner has not bid at all and your bid exceeds the value of your hand
(2) (bridge) a bid that is higher than your opponent's bid (especially when your partner has not bid at all and your bid exceeds the value of your hand)
(1) An overcall of two no trumps alerts partner to the good news
(2) If someone offers to declare, a later player may overcall by offering to reveal, in which case the first may raise his call to a revelation.
(3) This means that there is no advantage in bidding solo 9, 10, 11 or 12 except to overcall another bidder.
(4) It is also possible to overcall a contract with a similar contract in which hearts are trumps.
(5) It can only be overcalled by the dealer also offering also to u2018shoot the moonu2018.
(6) A bid can only be overcalled by calling a lower card of the same suit as the original bid.