(1) A musical work that has been created,great work of writing or music
(2) A musical work that has been created
(3) Great work of writing or music
(1) A 70-minute opus that some artists wait their whole career to achieve, Ryan Adams has penned at the young age of 26.
(2) I realized that it takes me longer than expected to create an installment of my opus .
(3) But at the time media tycoon William Randolph Hearst was one of the most powerful men in the world, the man on whom Orson Welles based his classic opus Citizen Kane.
(4) More crucially, do they care enough to buy two tickets to see his long-time-coming opus ?
(5) The second piece was another Beethoven opus , Piano Concerto Number 5.
(6) He was writing an opus on Mexico
(7) Mr Booker defends his opus in a manner which is more good-natured than might reasonably be expected, given the thumping I administered in the original review, and he has other defenders too.
(8) The following week, Peter the accountant talked about his opus , Slash Your Compliance Costs.
(9) The opus 39 Waltzes began as a work for solo piano.
(10) Once you've produced your opus , test it carefully before going public.
(11) The three mazurkas included in this opus are delightful and not too difficult.
(12) The author has examined the pieces that have opus numbers and calculated their dates of composition.
(13) I periodically discover an author and devour the majority of his or her opus in a few months.
(14) Although some composers still assign opus numbers to keep track of their output, it is no longer customary.
(15) Similarly, as with previous recordings, their latest opus is an effective mix of sprawling environmental textures, clanging, gritty percussion and humorous samples.
(16) The Gambler was Prokofiev's sixth opera, despite its early opus number
(17) John Woo's comedies occupy a far less prominent position in his cinematic opus than his well known, exhaustively dissected thrillers.
(18) His latest opus is a collection of his weekly columns in The Herald.
(19) Nevertheless, Hawkins sounds like he's still having a blast and more relaxed than ever as the Foos take a quick respite from the constant touring to promote their latest opus , In Your Honor.
(20) The queen of hip-hop soul returns with her latest opus , No More Drama, a welcome return to her older form.
work of art