(1) Those of you who oppose capital punishment
(2) I am deeply concerned about the propaganda and false arguments from those who oppose nuclear power.
(3) A candidate to oppose the leader in the presidential contest
(4) I made it known that I was a candidate and nobody thought it worthwhile to oppose me.u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u252cu00ac
(5) If you oppose ID cards you now also oppose measures to prevent electoral fraud.
(6) We should oppose these attempts to force through a premature consensus.
(7) They came to oppose attempts by the London fire authority to remove one of the station's two engines.
(8) You could see that in the faces of the people there last night and they would obviously oppose any attempt to remove him.
(9) Our national interest is such that we would oppose any attempt to weaken the jurisdiction of coastal states.
(10) Perhaps the opponents can offer a logical argument instead of simply opposing it on the grounds of change.
(11) Mamabolo opposed the defence argument that there were exceptional circumstances that needed to be considered when judgment was made.
(12) James Madison in 1784 opposed an attempt by the Virginia legislature to levy a tax to support religious education.
(13) I opposed the argument in the public forum and afterwards we went into the Green Room and we continued to chat.
(14) Arguments opposing treatment centred on the supremacy of autonomy as an ethical principle.
(15) And they do so while saddled with parties and trade unions that have abandoned all pretence of opposing the profit system.
(16) By 1969 American society was going through a break and people began opposing the system and the immoral war.
(17) Such a struggle can only go forward if it consciously opposes the union bureaucracy and advances a socialist perspective, challenging the very basis of the profit system itself.
(18) In the past, opposers claimed it was the beginning of a u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510slippery slopeu251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb that would lead to parents selecting children for hair colour or intelligence.
(19) This is not an accident in a situation where many sections of the working people are already actively opposing the various attacks on their social conditions.
(20) But I don't think the paper provides any reason for opposing them; the argument has to be conducted on other grounds.