(1) The branch of medicine concerned with the study and treatment of tumors
(1) Because the paediatric oncology ward was full, the boy was admitted to a general paediatric ward.
(2) She carried a heavy workload, much involved in paediatric oncology and the early days of bone marrow transplantation.
(3) Considering the rapid changes in the field of medical oncology , each guideline undergoes a yearly update.
(4) Radiology and oncology , which are both examined by the Royal College of Radiologists, were analysed separately.
(5) So this was really looking at the impact of medical oncology .
(6) He was referred to the department of oncology , and ultrasonography showed a calcified left paravertebral tumour.
(7) Cheng is also an assistant professor of gynecology and obstetrics and oncology .
(8) All patients were seen together with a senior nurse from the gynaecological oncology unit.
(9) An oncology consultant suggested radiation therapy for the lung lesion and head.
(10) It represents the most exciting advance in solid tumour oncology over the past decade.
(11) She willingly lectures at conferences on palliative care, oncology nursing, and pain management.
(12) A similar situation has been noted in paediatric oncology , with a lower than expected number of referrals for bone marrow transplant.
(13) In the past year colorectal cancer has been at the cutting edge of new developments in medical oncology .
(14) She has previously worked at Mayo in the areas of orthopedic oncology and pediatric radiology.
(15) Such arrangements should be considered for future studies in clinical oncology , especially those in which complex questions are asked.
(16) These groups were cases in patients admitted to renal, oncology or haematology wards, and all other cases.
(17) After senior house officer posts in emergency medicine, oncology , and medicine, he was appointed to the Royal Marsden Hospital.
(18) My research group runs training courses in communication skills for healthcare professionals working in oncology .
(19) In paediatric oncology this should include the track record of new treatments studied in earlier trials
(20) Other leaders in oncology have also urged continued study of this treatment.
(21) Another study in Australia assessed radiation and medical oncologists ' attitudes and knowledge about complementary therapies.
(22) Prior to this position, she worked as a staff nurse with patients who had medical, general surgical, oncological , and cardiac health problems.
(23) The book details guidelines for breast reconstruction, oncologic management, and the latest surgical techniques.
(24) The ward in Rotterdam had the fewest general paediatric cases, containing children with cardiac, oncological , renal, and respiratory disease.
(25) Structured interviews with practising medical oncologists showed that within two years they significantly increased hormonal therapy, with a concomitant decline in the use of tamoxifen.
(26) The oncologic surgeon tries to preserve the inframammary fold, as this will help in the reproduction of a symmetric breast.
(27) The task of informing patients was delegated to consultant gynaecologists or oncologists .
(28) The Health Technology Advisory Committee has published a report on positron emission tomography for oncologic applications.
(29) In keeping with accepted tenets of oncologic chemotherapy, two or more of these agents were frequently combined in an effort to achieve higher response rates with the goal of improving survival.
(30) To expedite the clinic visit, Rick's films were taken by the pediatric oncologist to the pediatric radiologist for review.