(1) Soon a little coop was constructed in the back garden and the duck and her eight offspring were installed in their new home.
(2) The u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510isolatedu251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb case of one cow has become the case of the cow and her two offspring .
(3) European boars interbred with the Polynesians' small pigs, and the offspring ran wild.
(4) Those calves include the offspring of the cow that tested positive for the disease.
(5) However, to avoid paying strangers to look after their offspring , should parents be forced to ask such a task of their own parents?
(6) Researchers not too long ago successfully bred the offspring of two u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510speciesu251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb of Galapagos finches.
(7) The first offspring of the animal is passed on to a neighbouring poor family, so that the benefit is multiplied each year.
(8) The offspring of control animals were kept under the same conditions.
(9) In all cases, the parents revealed their offspring were kicking a ball, handling a racquet or racing about before their fifth birthday.
(10) When fully grown up, the offspring of birds and animals abandon their parents, and carve out a world of their own.
(11) Jim warned him prior to introducing him to Hannah that the youngest Dawson offspring is a charmer.
(12) Grandparents, particularly grandmothers, cared for the offspring of married sons or daughters.
(13) It is the offspring of the onion fly, which sometimes flits about among the young onions at this season.
(14) Many parents moan about their offspring rising at the crack of dawn.
(15) German nationalism was the offspring of military ambition
(16) When the mouse bred with a normal female, his offspring retained the ability to fight off cancer.
(17) Many species of animals gather in groups to rest or raise their offspring .
(18) It could be argued that parents subsidising their offspring 's first house purchase is not necessarily a good thing.
(19) Parents have a special seating area from where they can keep a close eye on their offspring as the children burn off some excess energy.
(20) Much of that outlay can be recouped by selling the offspring of the bird to other breeders at, say, u00d4u00f6u00bcu251cu25515,000 a bird.