(1) A holder attached to the gunwale of a boat that holds the oar in place and acts as a fulcrum for rowing
(1) As I explained the mechanical advantages of rowing - the oar as lever, the oarlock as fulcrum, the sliding seat as a tool for harnessing leg power - he nodded, then frowned.
(2) But, as luck would have it, scarcely had he started to row his boat again when an oarlock broke, and so it took him the best part of an hour to make the trip.
(3) This innovative oarlock system design incorporates a new 'tension arm' mechanism within the gate that holds your oar tight against the pin.
(4) Jim was delegated to make the arrangements for boat, oarlocks , oars and confirmation of tide tables.
(5) In his opinion, it is very important to have on board: oars, oarlocks , a boat hook, a good knife, a sounder and the mobile phone.