(1) The warhead of a missile designed to deliver an atom bomb,nuclear weapon
(2) The warhead of a missile designed to deliver an atom bomb
(3) Nuclear weapon
(1) Strike at with firepower or bombs,bomb with atomic weapons,cook or heat in a microwave oven,attack with nuclear weapons,cook
(2) Strike at with firepower or bombs
(3) Bomb with atomic weapons
(4) Cook or heat in a microwave oven
(5) Attack with nuclear weapons
(6) Cook
(1) We use technology in our cookingu2026 we nuke stuff.
(2) Death is death whether it comes in the form of a nuke , a bomb, a plane or an envelope.
(3) He asks Brigadier General Paul Tibbets, who dropped the atom bomb on Hiroshima, how he feels when people say u2018Let's nuke 'emu2019.
(4) There was constant hysterical invocation of an absurd counterfactual scenario: u2018What if he actually was planning to nuke us in 45 minutes?u2019
(5) I can make or disable virtually any explosive except a nuke .
(6) Most of us are in the indifferent camp thus allowing politicians, theologians and academics to nuke the world, while producing between them, not one thing of true value.
(7) You said u2018send conventional troops that he can only repel with his nuclear weapons, which will cause us to nuke himu2019.
(8) While waiting for the microwave to nuke our meal, w sat down on the stools in the kitchen and began to talk.
(9) So, why not just use man-made nuclear energy and nuke the planet today?
(10) You'd almost think that he wanted them to nuke California or somethingu2026 perhaps its because they're democrats?
(11) Don't be afraid to nuke stuff that isn't interesting.
(12) It's not a case of u2018if you're planning to nuke us, we're going to nuke youu2019 it's a case of u2018if we think you're going to attack us, we're going to nuke you.u2019
(13) She poured milk into a glass and put it into the microwave to nuke it.
(14) I really need to just shut off all the machines, nuke the leftover pizza and watch u2018Blind Dateu2019 until my brains run out my nose.
(15) If I have been working all day, it's getting late and he is hungry (which he invariably is, all day, every day) then it seems sensible rather than sadistic to nuke him a shepherd's pie in the microwave while boiling up a pot of peas and carrots.
(16) It is only a matter of time before a dirty bomb, a suitcase nuke , or a biological attack hits an American city.
(17) It's always seemed to me that that likeliest scenario is a loose nuke or a dirty bomb in a shipping container.
(18) In fact, you can even cook the rice, the chicken and the pepper and onion mixture in bulk, then quickly nuke them and throw this burrito together in minutes when the craving hits.
(19) Consider the absurdity: We risk escalating a worldwide nuclear arms race to nuke a shadow terrorist enemy whose most effective military action to date was begun with box cutters.
(20) She pushed things around the refrigerator, looking for some convenient leftovers in a Rubbermaid container to nuke .
(21) You can nuke some for breakfast, or mix it with hot water for a quick vending-machine-free snack at work.
(22) So, if the ultimate nightmare happens, and a terrorist cell gets its hands on a black-market bomb and manages to detonate it, the US proposes to nuke some random country as revenge.
(23) After all, you can't nuke Bethlehem without Israel being exposed to nuclear fallout.
(24) If it doesn't, well he can always nuke the site from orbit and claim there was a nuclear accident.
(25) Statistically, you have a much greater chance of meeting your maker as a result of a traffic accident on Sukhumvit Highway than from a car bomb or terrorist nuke .
(26) In 1984, I participated in a war game featuring a Cessna rigged with a tiny nuke and flown by a suicide pilot.
(27) We watch through our fingers as another convenience meal is nuked in the microwave, another can of fizzy pop is guzzled, another packet of crisps scoffed.
(28) You may have trouble finding a copy of this as Real nuked the original downloads a while back, but a bit of googling should find it.
(29) After Valve updated the official FAQ entry with a recommendation to try out the latest beta video drivers, I gave it a try. 67.02 are the latest Detonators, so I nuked the previous set with Driver Cleaner and reinstalled.
(30) No, we didn't actually get nuked or wiped out by ebola or nerve gas; aliens didn't land on the White House lawn.
nuclear warhead