(1) Asterisks denote a high level of expression in the inner nuclear layer at this time.
(2) Our fears about a nuclear strike traditionally include the horrific death toll, the living envying the dead, etc.
(3) There are radiation leaks from nuclear power plants or nuclear reprocessing facilities.
(4) The Defense Department wanted a network that could withstand a nuclear attack on the U.S.
(5) There's maybe someone in Cumbria running a small nuclear power plant in their garden shed.
(6) None of them ever believed that they were at risk of getting into the middle of a nuclear conflagration.
(7) The trouble was that Glenn Seaborg was still alive, though no longer really active in nuclear chemistry.
(8) An attack on a nuclear power plant or other nuclear installation could result in a massive release of radioactive material.
(9) Was Heisenberg on the brink of handing over nuclear energy secrets to the Third Reich?
(10) As nuclear physicist Frank Close commented, it should have been the hottest source of radiation west of Chernobyl.
(11) It really did seem as though the world could end in a blaze of nuclear fury at any moment.
(12) Trainees were drilled on how to deal with the specific threats of chemical, biological and nuclear attacks.
(13) Their strategy was for the first round to rely heavily on nuclear electricity and energy efficiency.
(14) Meanwhile the US public was becoming alarmed about nuclear fallout and its consequences.
(15) His second discovery, the nuclear model of the atom, became the basis for how we see the atom today.
(16) Hulk Hogan makes about as good an actor as Burt Reynolds would a nuclear physicist.
(17) Now, you don't have to be a nuclear physicist or a military strategist to see how dangerous this is.
(18) Assuming nuclear use begets nuclear use, what would follow could be the next dark ages.
(19) The highest priority targets remain within the aviation, petroleum and nuclear sectors.
(20) We'll look at whether this country is doing enough and spending enough to prepare for a nuclear attack.