(1) I had no notion of what her words meant
(2) Reductionism and the criterial theory lean heavily on the notion of analytic or conceptual truth.
(3) She had a notion to call her friend at work
(4) She had a notion to ring her friend at work
(5) Keep an eye out for sales on threads and other notions while you're there.
(6) All of these various versions of blogging suggest different notions regarding community.
(7) I had vague notions of asking Sir Gregory about the comments that had passed between him and the Earl of Salisbury.
(8) He could not be bothered with spiritual notions or metaphysical concepts.
(9) Disparate sides may well use the same word or concept to evaluate and characterise beliefs and ideas, yet load them with different notions and values.
(10) Chinese people seem to have more affection for, and put more belief in, Western notions and practices.
(11) Our examination of the particular concepts by topic suggests differing notions about what is meant by core concept.
(12) Privacy was viewed as a vague enough concept even before notions of emotional damage became incorporated into its meaning.
(13) That is what Sir Owen Dixon set as the test - ordinary notions of the concept of income.
(14) Conceptual analysis is carried out in the philosophy of sexuality in order to clarify the fundamental notions of sexual desire and sexual activity.
(15) As a whole, the show provided insight into the formative years of artists now known for wholly different notions of what painting might be.
(16) Few notions strike fear in the hearts of an audience as much as the u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510concept album.u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb
(17) Eagleton says that opinion, appetite or inclinations are notions of individual desire that become a person's subjectivity.
(18) Present-day belief in these medieval notions is incredible.
(19) As social psychologists we have an inherent interest in all notions which might inform practices related to social and family responsibility.
(20) Though the concept of beauty is timeless, notions of what constitutes the perfect physical form have changed over time.