ব্যয়কুণ্ঠ, দানকুণ্ঠ, কৃপণস্বভাব
ব্যয়কুণ্ঠ ব্যক্তি, দানকুণ্ঠ ব্যক্তি, কঁজুস
(1) A selfish person who is unwilling to give or spend
(1) Returns for the first group confirm the widely held belief that ownership requirements enhance the performance of laggard companies.
(2) More important, India needs to get laggard companies out of state hands to help them grow again and make them competitive in world markets.
(3) Put a team back in Winnipeg: If it means putting Pittsburgh out of its misery or shifting laggard Atlanta, so be it.
(4) She said that Newry's success is not through external help but through the energy of the people that u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510captured the imagination of the whole of Ireland and even cajoled the laggard politicians.u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb
(5) Why bother to invest in training when the benefits are likely to accrue to laggard firms?
(6) Even the laggard economies of Germany and Italy are beginning to look a lot better as they're helped by the weak currency.
(7) Meanwhile, the steady rise in equity prices this year means that laggard companies are better able to restructure by selling off noncore assets at reasonable prices.
(8) Fiorina insists all the laggard businesses will be profitable by the middle of next year, or face more pruning.
(9) There's one reason for the laggard performance: costs.
(10) Ark Life has shaken off its laggard status of recent years by producing the best performing unit linked Irish domestic fund in 2003.
(11) We are the laggard partner in this co-evolution.
(12) Pyongyang was also voicing mounting impatience with what it deemed laggard progress on the reactor project.
(13) President Georgi Purvanov says Bulgaria does not want to be tied to laggard countries in its bid for European Union membership.
(14) Some key organizers think the AFL-CIO should still push laggard unions to organize more and help to coordinate more strategic, coordinated campaigns.
(15) As the CEO of the laggard portal company, Lansing has faced his share of critics, and most of them are emphatic that his ideas won't work.
(16) Many investors want him to get rid of laggard performers, such as GE Appliances and GE Lighting.
(17) Operational tempo seemed particularly laggard after major victories, when maintaining the momentum of victory would seem to have promised the greatest rewards.
(18) This middle position may reassure educators that laggard schools will be prodded without undermining public education.
(19) The only realistic way is to raise Britain's laggard productivity performance.
(20) Their words were soothing and completely removed any doubts we once had about possible product overlap or how 64-bit Xeons might slow already laggard Itanium sales.