(1) A sleep disorder characterized by sudden and uncontrollable episodes of deep sleep
(1) It was developed to treat narcolepsy , a rare condition that makes people fall asleep unexpectedly and uncontrollably.
(2) The drug is used for narcolepsy , a condition in which people fall asleep unexpectedly during the day.
(3) Sleepiness and cataplexy are the symptoms of narcolepsy that most often merit treatment with drugs.
(4) The drug was first approved in 1998 to treat narcolepsy , an uncommon condition in which sufferers fall asleep uncontrollably during the day.
(5) While insomnia comes in many forms, there are people with narcolepsy who fall asleep while at work, talking or driving.
(6) The fear that they would put audiences into narcoleptic slumber is probably why proposals for a TV channel to cover events at the world organization are often raised only to be deep-sixed.
(7) The normally narcoleptic House was taken off guard.
(8) U251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510Oh, it's Johnny the possible narcoleptic with issues in confidence and respect,u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb he muttered after a while.
(9) Some narcoleptics fall asleep and collapse while crossing the street.
(10) However the authors point out that the genetics of human narcolepsy are well defined - most narcoleptics generally do not have first degree relatives with the disorder.