(1) It is also an astonishingly powerful, elemental and mystic structure.
(2) The poetry of the 16th-century Spanish mystic, St John of the Cross
(3) In fact, there are many mystic traditions that consider dancing as the roadway to God.
(4) Their religious rituals shroud themselves in mystic diversity.
(5) Do we need to invoke some sort of mystic intuition?
(6) It was at once the most sacrilegious and yet mystic moment many of them had ever experienced.
(7) Most women writers were dismissed as mystics or visionaries, and some as mentally ill.
(8) Through the ages Christian mystics have also pursued joy through ascetic, rather than ecstatic, disciplines.
(9) College undergraduates are not the only people who respond to Christian women mystics in this way.
(10) The great mystics and saints have told us that the spiritual journey does include a kind of retreat from the world.
(11) Probably not a direct relationship, but it's interesting to look at some of the great contemporary mystics .
(12) But although such imagery is offered in scripture and probed by mystics , it is seldom celebrated in church tradition.
(13) Remember, these were humble tradesmen, not high-powered rabbis or mystics .
(14) After all, I had learned from hard experience that there are few bona fide mystics in the world today.
(15) On the other hand, Indian sages, philosophers and mystics have held out a shining vision that has inspired the world.
(16) In this view, many religious magicians are not mystics .
(17) He quotes abundantly from Scripture, medieval mystics and gifted contemporary writers.
(18) Some Christian mystics champion this view, but orthodox theologians rejected it early on.
(19) Freeman, like numerous mystics and contemplatives before him, shows us that our main problem is ourselves.
(20) Jung's experience was similar to that undergone by shamans and religious mystics , as well as some artists, writers, and philosophers.