(1) A person who lacks good judgment
(1) My e-mail domain expired on Saturday and muggins here hadn't renewed it doh!
(2) Why he couldn't have done that is beyond me, it was muggins here who had to spend an hour mopping the floor - not to mention all the other nonsense I have to do in the mornings anyway.
(3) On Tuesday it was pouring with rain and muggins here goes and stands too close to a HUGE puddle of water just as a bus came zipping past.
(4) Muggins has volunteered to do the catering
(5) The muggins here was driving so had to settle for a diet Coke.
(6) Of course, this means that muggins has to go and fix the leaky washing machine fitting pdq.
(7) Fred was going to pay, but seeing as muggins here is the only one with an American Express card, I got landed with the bill instead.
(8) He wasn't paid on time and unlike muggins here he intelligently resigned.
(9) Guess who got caught today - that's right, muggins - yours truly.
(10) They were flying muggins here to London at a time when it wasn't cheap, so I could meet these music business executives and talk about our fabulous career.