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English to Bangla Meaning of mooch - ছিঁচকে চুরি করা

আস্তে আস্তে হাঁটা



ছিঁচকে চুরি করা, স্কুল পালান, কুড়েমি করা, আড্ডা দেত্তয়া, আলস্যে সময় কাটানো

Definitions of mooch in English


(1) Someone who mooches or cadges (tries to get something free


(1) Ask for and get free; be a parasite

Examples of mooch in English

(1) So I'm going to lay in bed late, then probably head over to Brighton to mooch about the shops.

(2) No money equals no food, and it wasn't like I had any friends to mooch off of.

(3) The train rolls smoothly along through the night, and during the day you can take a tailor-made excursion or slope off alone and dart down inviting alleyways, mooch around markets or bargain in bazaars.

(4) They mooch around with no energy and look miserable backstage.

(5) Plus, since Ron couldn't mooch rides off me anymore, he stopped coming by my place as much.

(6) The mooch who got everything from his dad

(7) I dropped by Shay's apartment to mooch food.

(8) They are nice in every way, except for the fact that they always try to mooch food from us.

(9) Did you just figure you could mooch food off of me as well?

(10) Surly and always on the mooch , the only thing that motivated him into doing anything resembling physical labor was the promise of money for more booze.

(11) Yes, I would mooch a ride with him if he didn't run away before I could talk to him.

(12) Meanwhile, Steph keeps busy trying to mooch a place to stay off his lover, Rose.

(13) Would you like to mooch dinner off of me tonight?

(14) No, they can't tell me when he'll show up - so I have to mooch about and wait.

(15) Still unable to sleep well in his unfamiliar surroundings, David headed for the kitchen at two in the morning, hoping someone had left an unemptied coffee pot from which he could mooch a leftover cupful.

(16) Four British soldiers mooch nonchalantly with rifles on the shoreline as the mast of a German ship flails over just three metres away.

(17) The only way he could think of was mooching a ride out of Abby and Brian.

(18) We spend the rest of the night mooching around in the lounge.

(19) I could probably just mooch off my brother, he usually mooched off of our mom, anyway.

(20) Not only does he mooch my money and my beer, but now he mooches my valuable radio time!

synonyms of mooch


ask for money













TV series example of the word

Good, nobody needs a mooch
living in their house forever.

The Big Bang Theory Season 10, Episode 18

Good, nobody needs a mooch living in their house forever.

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