রাজতন্ত্র, রাজার অধীন রাজ্য, রাজতন্ত্রের অধীন রাজ্য
(1) An autocracy governed by a monarch who usually inherits the authority
(1) The 1958 coup that saw the overthrow of the monarchy threw the his family into turmoil.
(2) You can see that the resulting difference in the constitution may be enormous: anywhere from social democracy to absolute monarchy .
(3) The Second Empire almost solved the problem of reconciling monarchy and democracy - but not quite, and not in time.
(4) The Portuguese monarchy was finally deposed by the revolution of 1910.
(5) When analysing this aspect of the portraits, one historian questioned why the Spanish monarchy tolerated him.
(6) When we come back, we'll talk about the royals and what's going on with the monarchy .
(7) Iran has made the transition in the last twenty years from a nominal constitutional monarchy to a democratic theocracy.
(8) The policy was continued by the Sunni-based monarchy that was installed by the British after 1932.
(9) The rebels are spearheading a violent campaign to set up a republican state by abolishing constitutional monarchy in Nepal.
(10) It was supposed to be about ideology and heroism, but in reality, it was just a new brand of monarchy .
(11) The snobbery and hatred of meritocracy that have been revealed this week are simply inevitable further by-products of monarchy .
(12) Discussions about republican Rome were also at that time a way of masking criticisms of monarchy , in a society where open criticism was impossible.
(13) The monarchy and the royal judiciary played important roles in the history of early modern France.
(14) It acknowledges darkness, as well as the historic bookends of oppressive monarchy and violent fascism.
(15) The history of the world is a history of systems: monarchy , oligarchy, democracy, what you will.
(16) A new constitution was promulgated restoring constitutional monarchy .
(17) It did not depend on the formal characteristics of the state - monarchy or republic, constitutional or authoritarian.
(18) The first one I have put up is a rather whimsical article by an American journalist on why constitutional monarchy is the best form of government.
(19) Do you think that's where the royal family and the monarchy will go?
(20) Can people move directly from a clan-based system to democracy, skipping monarchy and feudalism?