(1) Instantly the crowd became a mob , screaming, cowering.
(2) There is no mob of the proletariat here to rip you apart.
(3) I've heard that when young birds leave the nest, parents will mob a lot more actively almost to show what is danger and what isn't.
(4) Instead, a voice-over quoting from telegraph reports briefly mentions some of the mob 's racist violence.
(5) Mary Beth shouted as a mob of girls crowded around Luke.
(6) Just then a mob of Bolsheviks crowded into the room.
(7) The age-old fear that the mob may organize to destroy the last vestiges of civilized life
(8) Our founding fathers made this a republic and not a democracy because they feared the mob .
(10) Swifts will often mob aerial predators such as raptors if they approach a flock.
(11) Here, as elsewhere, the language of the mob and of public opinion have converged: there is no restraint; there are no euphemisms.
(12) He stood out from the rest of the mob with his silver hair and stacked shoes
(13) He is proof that violence is needed to contain violence and that one just man will prevail over the corrupt mob and timorous crowd.
(14) Adult terns come over to mob the predator while the chicks take cover in the high grass or in their nests.
(15) U251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510We used rubber bullets to disperse the mob during a series of violent demonstrations,u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb he said.
(16) Unfortunately, the mob was more organized that they expected as freshly reloaded guns began to fire at them.
(17) Before anybody gets too sentimental about the blessings of music, however, Brown points out that music can also transform crowds into a dangerous mob .
(18) They did it because they had a justified fear of the mob .
(19) Small songbirds often mob them, and imitating the call of a Northern Pygmy-Owl will often bring songbirds close in for observation.
(20) They will also mob predators in flight, gathering into tight flocks and dive-bombing a hawk or other predator.