TV series example of the word

Game of Thrones Season 4, Episode 7
But one misstep
(1) An unintentional but embarrassing blunder
(1) We chose our steps wisely, not wanting to misstep when a slip could prove fatal.
(2) Somehow he made a misstep and lost his footing, sliding awkwardly down to the bottom of the ravine and bruising himself painfully.
(3) One misstep could cause a stone to slide, a bush to snap, giving him away.
(4) If the giant is large enough he can wipe a small human out with a misstep or any accidental movement if they get in his way.
(5) You can almost hear the wheels turning as he takes the occasional misstep in developing the characters and hurriedly course-corrects.
(6) First, the work was often dangerous and a misstep could quickly be fatal; walk through any old cemetery, you'll see that.
(7) She suggests that those compelled to walk should do so on the stairs because a misstep on an escalator could cause a collective tumble.
(8) For a mountain goat one misstep could be fatal
(9) She slips easily out of the car, with not a misstep despite the gravel playing havoc with her high heels.
(10) For a mountain goat, one misstep could be fatal
(11) It's a grand misstep full of clumsy guitars and a confused direction.
(12) I envy her recklessness, the roughness of her unpracticed pirouettes, the occasional clumsy misstep that inspires no apologies.
(13) There are those who defend the man on the principle that a single misstep should not sink a career.
(14) He'd almost made it to the front of the car when he made a misstep and stumbled into the car.
(15) A misstep in a cave brings rocks tumbling down on him.
(16) He had made a fatal misstep , and it would cost him.
(17) There have been missteps , as there are with any presidential campaign, but a lot of top Democrats are now talking privately and some publicly about changes.
(18) But after a series of missteps by the media, long-time China watchers have begun to be more suspicious and they increasingly look to official sources.
(19) That's why he recommends anticipating where things can go wrong and taking steps to prevent missteps .
(20) He and others believe that downtown, despite years of missteps , may yet turn into a community.
(21) When I read about the missteps of some of the other bishops, I think that the Holy Father must have had particular affection for Chicago to give us such a good shepherd.
(22) As the business evolves, there should be fewer missteps .
(23) The remaining margin really seems razor-thin at this point, such that any missteps at her hearings seemingly could prove fatal.
(24) The panel called the question of bias one of the most ‘subjective and difficult’ they undertook as they examined the steps and missteps of reporting.
(25) These missteps are unfortunate rather than fatal, although they do diminish the credibility of the argument.
(26) Despite the missteps it has made over the past four years, the United States still retains enormous material power and considerable global influence.
(27) Competition keeps a paper on its toes - but it can also lead to clumsy missteps .
(28) And so, I do think there's been a whole series of missteps .
(29) And I think, clearly, the administration has made some missteps .
(30) The author also argues for avoiding several potentially fatal missteps .
faux pas
Game of Thrones Season 4, Episode 7
But one misstep