(1) Integrated circuit semiconductor chip that performs the bulk of the processing and controls the parts of a system
(1) For example, when there's a cache miss, the execution unit is shut down, because the microprocessor knows it's not going to be used for a few cycles.
(2) The cpu is the central processing unit that contains a microprocessor .
(3) A microprocessor determines a alternator condition as a function of the electrical output.
(4) The microprocessor is configured with a predecoder and an instruction cache.
(5) The central microprocessor receives information from the autofocus system and the light meter.
(6) In a traditional architecture, this requires an action and overhead from the microprocessor each time data is moved.
(7) You need to go far back in time to remember a CPU microprocessor that was able to operate completely without a heat sink.
(8) By contrast, a traditional microprocessor would have had to run many iterations of the software to come up with the answer.
(9) These are the prices and the form of the runners and riders in the Intel stable of desktop performance microprocessors between January and June.
(10) Despite a common misconception, microprocessors are not single-chip computers.
(11) SRC has created systems that are composed of DEL processors and microprocessors .
(12) Logic circuits are wired together on silicon chips to make microprocessors and computers.
(13) Computer chips are integrated circuits called microprocessors built up from transistors and other components.
(14) The spotlight for this year's five-day exhibition falls squarely on microprocessors for personal computers.
(15) Unfortunately, flash memories have relatively long access times compared to usual modern microprocessors .
(16) As a result, microprocessors become more powerful and memory chips can store more data without growing in size.
(17) Transistors are the tiny switches in microprocessors that process the ones and zeros of the digital world.
(18) Shipments of microprocessors , motherboards, and chipsets all declined.
(19) The only way this could have happened is by someone granting him a patent on a microprocessor years after microprocessors have been invented and companies formed to make them.
(20) The consumption per microprocessor increases while the number of microprocessors in use exponentially grows.