(1) Extremely small in scale or scope or capability
(1) But what they don't understand is that there is another equally important factor or set of factors at the micro level which are so very difficult for anybody to get at.
(2) Indeed, self-employment and entrepreneurship in small and micro enterprises is fast becoming a viable option.
(3) He said there are also challenges in intervening in existing very small and micro enterprises, although these are less than for the previous type of intervention.
(4) Jodrell Bank, the radio astronomy observatory in the UK, uses a BBC micro from the early 1980s to steer one of their smaller dishes which tracks a pulsar in the Crab nebula.
(5) It attracts Government funding through Business Link for Essex to give professional counselling and business planning training, for pre-start, start-up and micro businesses.
(6) Power infrastructure is also on the agenda, often on a micro level, supplementing the large scale civilian reconstruction effort.
(7) But the sale of the micro motorbikes could be far more widespread because they could be sold at markets or through newspaper ads where the seller is untraceable, Ms Foley added.
(8) Fundamental to the success of the Edinburgh-based Johnston Press and other UK regional operators has been the more aggressive approach to selling advertising space at a micro level.
(9) A resolution to this crisis requires a two-pronged approach that addresses both the macro and micro levels of the problem.
(10) A micro camera fixed on the bumper displays three different colours on the rear view mirror along with beep sounds that increases in intensity if one is getting too close to hitting something.
(11) I have a real soft-spot for Elite, having played it for many nights on a BBC micro .
(12) So far on call tonight, we had a kid who coded requiring chest compressions and intubation, a newborn double-outlet right ventricle who needed lines, and a micro preemie who needs to be tapped.
(13) One of the most persistent bottleneck to growth in Zambia over the decades, particularly at the micro level has been the dearth of finance capital for re-investment.
(14) Human Settlements and Environment, acting under the sponsorship of the Jhabua District administration and zila panchayat is managing a micro watershed in this and other villages in the area.
(15) The MMC micro can operate on either 3.3 volts or 1.8 volts, cutting power consumption up to one-sixth that of competing devices.
(16) The real problem, both at a macro and a micro level, according to me, is the plummeting sex ratio.
(17) On a micro level, the professionals to whom we meekly doffed our caps in the past have effectively been put in the dock: your local TD, priest, doctor, banker and now your trusty Garda.
(18) It can be done with very tiny, micro devices these days - and they will get smaller and smaller.
(19) It is perhaps a clichu00d4u00f6u00a3u252cu00ab, but it is the mark of a great writer that he succeeds in creating a recognisable world, a micro universe which carves out its own space and insists upon its siren like singularityu251cu00f6u251cu00e7u252cu00ac
(20) There are a lot of micro businesses in this area with one or two people and we need good communications.