(1) A method for software maintenance
(2) That's his method of working
(3) They rarely come close enough for a good photograph unless they are lured in by some method .
(4) The ultimate logic of this method is automatic writing developed by the surrealists.
(5) A lady with method in her work
(6) That cut the journey between the two metropolises to just over half an hour by either method .
(7) A much better method is to grab a leg in each hand and pull violently in opposite directions.
(8) Historical study is the rigorous combination of knowledge and method
(9) I feel that this would be safer than the situation now is with no legal method .
(10) The most crude method is to look at how far a politician has climbed up the greasy pole marked promotion.
(11) The interview is probably the most widely employed method in qualitative research.
(12) The thumb and index finger of the right hand stand for wisdom and method combined.
(13) Method of assessment
(14) A new method for transferring phone numbers
(15) The particular virtue of this method was the directness of style it engendered.
(16) Driving the ribbon by this method would be opposite to our existing arrangement.
(17) After a few minutes of this without a burp I decided to try another tried and tested method .
(18) What's your preferred method of communication?
(20) He had absolute belief in himself and his methods , and wasn't afraid to say so to anybody.