ভিক্ষুক, ভিখারি, দরিদ্র, ভিক্ষাজীবী, জীবক, ভিক্ষোপজীবী
ভিক্ষারত, ভিখারিসুলভ
(1) Practicing beggary
(1) A male member of a religious order that originally relied solely on alms.
(2) A pauper who lives by begging.
(3) A male member of a religious order that originally relied soley on alms.
(4) Beggar.
(1) This new form was provided by the mendicant orders, the friars - mobile missionaries whose international organization cut clean through diocesan and parochial boundaries.
(2) However, being a poor mendicant , I couldn't afford to buy any and so I just sat there, overpowered by the smell of delicious pakoras, eating my bag of rice.
(3) When the mendicant friars arose in the thirteenth century, there was a need for more portable books, to accompany the wandering preachers in their work.
(4) These experiences brought home to him the reality of suffering and the nature of the human predicament, and turning his back on family life he renounced the world and became a religious mendicant .
(5) Furthermore, the universities quickly became a locus of conflict between the regular clergy and the newer mendicant orders, especially the Dominicans and the Franciscans.
(6) In her study of mendicant sermons on the Magdalen, for example, Katherine Jansen finds no real difference between the various orders of friars, all of which were actively encouraging their lay congregations to confess.
(7) Out on the sidewalk of Pacific Avenue, Santa Cruz's main shopping street, the normal carnival of pedestrians, loiterers, court jesters, fools, and mendicant troubadours milled and mingled on a warm spring afternoon.
(8) The mendicant orders, of course, had always laid heavy emphasis on the spoken word in preaching and teaching.
(9) Possibly it was sheer vanity and love of easily-won applause that drove him to act out the role of mendicant campus guru.
(10) The mendicant orders, particularly the Dominicans, developed a supranational organization directed by provincial and general chapters and ultimately subject to the papacy.
(11) The sight of a holy man, who seemed peaceful and content, finally inspired him to forsake palace, wife and family and become a wandering mendicant .
(12) This was matched by a spiritual resurgence which we see very much in what was known as u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510the observant reformu251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb which was a reform of the mendicant orders like the Franciscans and the Dominicans.
(13) With a cloth over his mouth to prevent his breath from inhaling any airborne creature, he spent the following nine years as a wandering, barefoot mendicant .
(14) Expressions of ecstatic, unmediated emotional identification with a sacred figure were common in the art of the mendicant orders in general and in that of the Franciscans in particular.
(15) Whether we're aware of it or not, our homes are veritable wildlife parks, from the obvious predators such as rats and mice to the more discreet dust mite or the mendicant bluebottle.
(16) Following the foundation of two mendicant orders between 1205 and 1220, for a pope to name himself after either Francis or Dominic would have been to choose sides between two formidable organisations.
(17) So the monks that were members of this order were wandering, mendicant monks, using the Shakuhachi as a tool of enlightenment, as a tool of spiritual practice.
(18) All over town, Franciscan monks - the order of mendicant friars which is St. Francis' legacy - were praying.
(19) Originally, the community of bhikus was a mendicant order which travelled extensively, other than during the rainy season, and required only limited necessities.
(20) Walking among them was a wandering mendicant , with the usual orange robe, wooden staff, and begging bowl, his shaven head painted with the lines of Shiva.