(1) So, who is this marine surveyor, this person upon whom you are placing your trust?
(2) Close to his home was a little shop owned by a marine painter, Mr. Eugene Boudin.
(3) As almost everyone knows, Trinidad is the place to have marine parts shipped in.
(4) The data should prove to be a gold mine to boating groups, government agencies and the marine industry.
(5) In the case of a marine engineer, the highest post is that of a Chief Engineer.
(6) He was a marine engineer, a world traveler, and it was from him that I acquired some of my wanderlust.
(7) Thirty years ago, the marine industry said boat recall laws would break its back.
(8) With Turner, however, his marine paintings - a third of his output - are the key to his entire oeuvre.
(9) The role of seapower in the revolt and after generated the marine painting of van de Velde the Younger and others.
(10) Should we hire a marine surveyor to inspect the boat once it's returned to us?
(11) This is a centre of marine science excellence in the world, here in Townsville.
(12) Sirenians are vegetarians, feeding on a variety of marine algae and higher plants.
(13) The market leaders in marine painting had moved to London.
(14) What the marine trades must develop, along with the schools, is an apprenticeship program.
(15) His painting of sea and marine organisms had distinct colour patterns and perfect symmetry.
(16) Rock lobster, crab and oysters add to the spread of commercial marine species.
(17) Every year, roughly eight hundred Americans lose their lives in marine accidents.
(18) She plays Silly, a Nova Scotian seasprite of girl who is the subject of a marine tragedy of, er, Titanic proportions.
(19) In fact, haddock look positively ferocious compared to these innocuous marine travelers.
(20) If we have to upgrade some of our technology to allow text messaging on marine radio, then let's make it so.