(1) Jenna smiled at her maid , the women she regarded more as a sister or an aunt or on occasions like now a mother.
(2) The young fifteen-year-old elven maid paraded from her father's cart to the Market streets.
(3) Suspicions were raised when a chamber maid saw documents in his jacket which contradicted his story.
(4) In addition to the three aunts the household also included my grandmother, a female cousin and a maid .
(5) A young justice, the Governer of the town, saw the young maid and fell in love with her.
(6) Gracie worked as a live-in domestic maid with a family in Mangalore.
(7) Where Kiaria was a quiet and reserved elven maid , Eva was a loud and borderline obnoxious human woman.
(8) A maid and a butler hold umbrellas over a couple dancing on a windswept beach in their evening wear, their faces obscured.
(9) Nicholas' maid walked into the room informing him a young woman stood at the door looking for him.
(10) The heavy oak doors at the top of the steps opened with a slow precision as several maids and other servants came out to collect any luggage that their new guest may be carrying.
(11) Hired security was just like any other kind of staff, just like the maids and the servants and drivers.
(12) In Edwardian times many lower class woman would work as servants or maids for upper class families.
(13) A variety of special dishes are prepared from fresh ingredients for ceremonial occasions by the woman of the house and her female maids .
(14) Was this just Andrew's manner - no, but he certainly didn't flirt with the other maids and pretty girls he passed on the streets.
(15) On the eve of St Valentine, a number of young folk - maids and bachelors - would assemble together, and inscribe upon little billets the names of an equal number of maids and bachelors of their acquaintance, throw the whole into a receptacle of some sort, and then draw them lottery-wise - care, of course, being taken that each should draw one of the opposite sex.
(16) An army of servants - maids , footmen, cooks and gardeners - made the luxurious lifestyle of the family possible.
(17) When single women began to settle in the United States, they went into domestic work as maids , cooks, and housekeepers.
(18) Every room had maids and servants and butlers all cleaning and decorating his home.
(19) The air was filled with the noise and clatter of servants and maids from every quarter.
(20) The scullery maids and female staff curtsied and then departed.