TV series example of the word

Breaking Bad Season 3, Episode 13
My own PI is threatening to break my legs. That's like Thomas Magnum...
প্রায় দেড়সেরি পাত্র, প্রায় দেড়সেরি বোতল
(1) A large wine bottle for liquor or wine
(1) Last Christmas, he presented each of his suite-holders and front-row seat-holders at Toyota Center with a magnum of his wine.
(2) A rare magnum of champagne to celebrate the 1981 marriage of the Prince and Princess of Wales is to be auctioned in Swindon.
(3) With the Twelve Days Of Christmas firmly forgotten about, the revellers had a fantastic time, drinking a magnum of Belgian beer Duvel outside the Minster.
(4) Christian Hadfield won the best patisserie dish in a live cookout and received a trophy, and a magnum of red burgundy for his efforts.
(5) For its part, the Stutzen should appeal to the magnum air rifle buff who can also appreciate uncompromising refinement at an affordable price.
(6) A magnum of champagne
(7) Spot prizes were raffled after the ride out with a magnum of champagne attracting much attention from the ticket buyers.
(8) He tossed Deputy Jones the magnum and reloaded the shotgun.
(9) It's the strongest and the easiest-to-shoot magnum available to handgunners.
(10) Winchester continues its innovation of the short magnum with the Winchester Super Short Magnum for 2003.
(11) At times there were just eight senior players in training, not enough to crack open his magnum of champagne as Fulham's player of the month for October.
(12) During a search of the vehicle police found a .357 magnum revolver and four rounds of ammunition.
(13) We took the Tube to u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510the Famous Shoe Designer'su251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb house and bought a bottle of u00d4u00f6u00bcu251cu25514 white wine, but after we arrived they popped open a magnum of champagne.
(14) Then came the magnum era, and people wanted a lightweight, handy rifle to go with their new magnum revolvers.
(15) In addition to receiving 25% of the purse, the winner of the Pro event will also take home a magnum of Moet & Chandon White Star Champagne.
(16) The magnum only carried a bullet at a time, so Nanook reloaded every time he shot.
(17) That magnum has a kick like a field gun
(18) The rifle propped with the safety on was a scoped 7mm magnum , too much gun for Central Texas but an old Brush Country favorite that had not seen service in several years.
(19) A magnum bullet
(20) They pack a .44 magnum revolver to guard against polar bears.
Breaking Bad Season 3, Episode 13
My own PI is threatening to break my legs. That's like Thomas Magnum...