(1) She came back to Hampshire to live with her father, a lovable rogue who taught her how to get the things she wanted from life.
(2) A lovable rogue has been recognised for his bravery nearly 100 years after his death.
(3) Two lovable rogues are discussing a mutual acquaintance who has just been released from prison.
(4) People who knew him, including his teachers, would describe him as a lovable , cheeky rogue.
(5) He is a mixture of a genuine, loving and lovable personality, and a brilliant business mind.
(6) From it, we emerge with an even greater respect and affection for the most loved and lovable poet of the last century.
(7) This furry scrap of a creature was of course completely lovable and endearing, but only to people who like cats.
(8) She'd never seem him look as sweet and lovable as he did then.
(9) Everything that makes him such a charming, slightly oddball singer remains, not least in the lovably mundane lyrics.
(10) Paul was such a loveable character - a one-off who loved working with and riding horses.
(11) Behind the lovably telegenic pontiff was a medieval despot.
(12) I'm interested to know if we're talking about influence or loveability here.
(13) But some performers understand the true craft of acting; playing different people of different mettle, not just endlessly advancing stardom and lovability .
(14) I hope that confessing the loveableness of your offspring inspires neither your rage nor jealousy.
(15) Before he could accept that someone else loved him, he had to believe that he was loveable himself.
(16) This is the other side of his lovableness , and here again we are on altogether firm historical ground.
(17) All children need love and praise to feel confident and loveable .
(18) What do you do with a dog that is so utterly naughty, vile and sneaky but otherwise loveable and cuddly?
(19) Painting, for me, had become the way to demonstrate my worthiness, lovableness , specialness.
(20) Your letter contains some pretty clear clues to the source of your jealousy - insecurity about your own lovability .