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English to Bangla Meaning of lone - নির্জন

নিঃসঙ্গ, একলা, একলাটি, সঙ্গীহীন



নির্জন, একাকী, একা, স্বতন্ত্র, একান্ত, নির্জনবাসী, নি:সঙ্গ

Definitions of lone in English


(1) Lacking companions or companionship,characterized by or preferring solitude in mode of life,being the only one,single and isolated from others,by oneself; only

(2) Lacking companions or companionship

(3) Characterized by or preferring solitude in mode of life

(4) Being the only one

(5) Single and isolated from others

(6) By oneself; only

Examples of lone in English

(1) Some days later, the sound of a horn was heard from the lone palm tree during a one-minute interval when no vehicle was on the road.

(2) Frustrated and annoyed, she sat alone upon a lone tree trunk, the soft grass glistening from the dew.

(3) The doctor was not a lone voice of his time, however.

(4) Surely Justice Carney isn't a lone voice on this issue.

(5) I was a single lone idiot with no job and I was still living with my parents in Heatham.

(6) It is not as if Britain is a lone voice, or a marginal force.

(7) We trotted on in silence for most of the day, stopping under the shade of a lone tree to take a quick rest from the hot noon day sun, before pressing on again.

(8) Under the watchful gaze of roaming goats and camels we opened presents early in the morning under the one lone tree further inland.

(9) Danny Allen, last year's event winner, was the lone semifinalist.

(10) Only the lone voice of a woman saying u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510leave that boy aloneu251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb saved his life.

(11) Inside of the box was a single, lone file that was stamped with a u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510Highly Confidentialu251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb seal.

(12) What else could be as lonely as that lone tear long dried but never fully shed on her cheek?

(13) The astonished lone drinker blinked when three foaming pints of Stella appeared on the bar before him.

(14) This one person is the lone voice for the young people of this land.

(15) I wasn't exactly introduced as the oddball who believes house prices can continue to defy gravity, but I was a lone voice.

(16) Do you think I want to be the one lone voice against the Hollywood liberal establishment?

(17) I'm certainly glad a lone voice of reason has discussed this disaster in the South.

(18) I was just a lone , solitary creature of the night, and I had a mission.

(19) I am not a lone voice as there are taxi drivers in Tralee who are also against this increase.

(20) Morales may not be as lone and isolated a voice as he appears.

synonyms of lone




Antonyms of lone







TV series example of the word

I am also a son
of the Lone Star state.

The Big Bang Theory Season 5, Episode 7

I am also a son of the Lone Star state.

If y'all don't mind,
I got a hankering for a Lone Star Beer.

The Big Bang Theory Season 3, Episode 1

If y'all don't mind, I got a hankering for a Lone Star Beer.

There's a lone astronaut

The Big Bang Theory Season 11, Episode 13

There's a lone astronaut floating

Oh, you know, the Lone Star State.
That should be its Yelp rating.

The Big Bang Theory Season 10, Episode 12

Oh, you know, the Lone Star State. That should be its Yelp rating.

And you would rather do this alone.\NLike a lone wolf.�

Money Heist Season 3, Episode 7

And you would rather do this alone.\NLike a lone wolf.

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Published: 12 Mar, 2023

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