(1) A fine-grained unstratified accumulation of clay and silt deposited by the wind
(1) Many researchers have concluded this sediment is actually loess , or wind-blown silt, which is mixed with some clay and sand.
(2) The thickest loess occurs in central China on the Loess Plateau, where it reaches a thickness of about 330 m near Lanzhou.
(3) Large areas of southern Arkansas are also covered by Pleistocene-era loess , with some deposits over 4 m thick.
(4) Companion studies of dust samples from the Sahara and the Saudi coast and loess from China show that the higher the calcium in the mineral, the more reactive they are in with nitric acid.
(5) No one told us how they were shaped as silt deposits, called loess , that blew in from the Missouri River floodplain, beginning about 30,000 years ago.
(6) It has a relatively large component of loess and contains ovoid inclusions of loessic silt which were deposited by solifluction.
(7) The northeastern part of the Gaza Strip, with loessial and alluvial soils, also contains some wadis.
(8) Proper consideration should be given to zoning of areas of collapsible loessial soils.
(9) If climate is the primary consideration the shingle soils, the loessic down-soils, the limestone upland-soils, and the alluvial flats in the neighbourhood of Timaru would all fall into the same group.
(10) Selecting soils from stable upland positions that developed in loessic parent material allowed us to isolate modern climate as the main influence on soil properties.
(11) The south-eastern slope bears heavy loessic soil, mixed with superficial pebbles and compact loam soil.
(12) Predicted yields for different terrains of the loessial soil showed that the soil in the plain lands and the table lands had a higher productivity than that of the slope lands and the terraces.
(13) As a whole, the mineralization and nitrification of nitrogen in the manual loessial soil was higher than that in the red loessial soil.
(14) We have sampled loessic soils with a truck-mounted soil probe from more than 70 stable undisturbed upland positions from Nebraska to Illinois.
(15) A recommendation for a soil classification chart that provides a good classification for alluvial and loessial deposits for central Illinois will be developed.