(1) Thus substantial space is devoted, for example, to railroads in the Civil War and to the development of locomotive power in the era from 1865 to 1900.
(2) That steam locomotive technology had climaxed at about the time the Depression started is is evidenced in the requirements for a college degree in mechanical engineering.
(3) It seems that Bradford was at the cutting edge of locomotive technology in those experimental years before the First World War and would be a very interesting story.
(4) Enunciating clearly made her lose her train of thought, and if you can't have a locomotive discussion, she thought guiltily, what's the point?
(5) The world's most famous steam locomotive is symbolic of British industry, innovation and engineering.
(6) Christmas is heading this way like a speeding locomotive .
(7) As the rocket scientists watched it boing away easily across the uneven, rugged terrain, they realized that an inflatable ball was a superb locomotive design.
(8) It would be more than five years later, after the u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510Tom Thumbu251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb experiments, that steam locomotive technology would secure the company's success.
(9) The first electric locomotive was demonstrated in Berlin in 1879.
(10) The railway locomotive and the large steam-powered factory were the most spectacular products of the steam age.
(11) You must avoid the attack by using the speed of locomotive power.
(12) With the growth in the economy, the locomotive capacity has to be increased.
(13) He does some other weird stuff then like knock people over using chi, and pull a railway locomotive along by cables attached to huge piercings right through his biceps, insane but not as miraculous as the electrical stuff.
(14) Guests and passengers were treated to a trip along the five-mile line pulled by the historic locomotive .
(15) Without knowing the total amount of power being expended to accelerate both the locomotive and train, a reasonable estimate of locomotive power cannot be obtained.
(16) They manned mighty tractors, equal to compound locomotive power and had the lands deeply plowedu251cu00f6u251cu00e7u252cu00ac Crop failures were no more.
(17) Except this time, the bug was a large helicopter gunship and the car was a speeding diesel locomotive .
(18) U251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510As people get older their locomotive abilities give up before vision and if they become confined to one room vision and hearing become relatively more important,u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb he said.
(19) We prefer to use our own locomotive prowess to enjoy the countryside in all its peace and quiet and natural beauty.
(20) Consequently, locomotive failure or broken bones can occur in older females, particularly those that were not developed properly as replacement gilts.