(1) There was a rally organised by the NPC pensioners' convention and a lobby of MPs.
(2) The union is organising a lobby of parliament for next Wednesday.
(3) Clad in bright green glass tiles, the entrance lobby leads to a restful white panelled ante room.
(4) Under pressure from the agrochemical lobby , the British government has dropped plans to tax agricultural pesticide use.
(5) American lobby groups try to seek a legal way to attack that peg, which hurts their interests they say.
(6) A lobby of the governors' meeting is planned on Tuesday 20 May at 6pm and other local schools are being asked to build for it.
(7) This makes it a perfect issue for the anti-abortion lobby to take up.
(8) Last week we organised a lobby of the Lib Dem council to save our school.
(9) Now had also launched a campaign which was seeking to lobby senators both in their home states and in the Senate itself.
(10) The lobby was right near the entrance to the building, so I assumed the common room would be similarly close.
(11) Our next step was to organise a lobby of the next meeting of the Housing Committee.
(13) A lobby of the meeting was due to take place to show the strength of support for the sacked librarians and to urge the university to reinstate them.
(14) There was to be a lobby of this meeting at 12.30 pm.
(15) The meeting is being organised by the York Trades Union Council, which is also staging a lobby of councillors the following Thursday evening at the Guildhall before a full council meeting.
(16) There was set to be a lobby of the national executive meeting.
(17) Several FBU regions backed a lobby of this week's pay talks.
(18) Members of the anti-abortion lobby
(19) This constant reference to the foetus as a baby has become common coin for the anti-abortion lobby .
(20) Glasgow Campaign to Defend Council Housing held a lobby of the Glasgow City Council meeting on Thursday of last week.