দোআঁশ মাটি
(1) A rich soil consisting of a mixture of sand and clay and decaying organic materials
(1) But for farmers intending to grow soyabeans, it advisable to grow the crop on clay loam and sandy loam , which are the best soils for the plant.
(2) Most need full sun and fertile, well-drained sandy loam with a neutral pH and abundant organic matter.
(3) The soil of all stands was a readily erodible silty or sandy loam underlain by a reddish sand and clay.
(4) In the morning, Michael and I dumped five-gallon buckets full of compost, forest loam , sand, and leaf mold onto the root cellar's cold cement floor.
(5) Camp Nelson and High Bridge were dry woodlands in silty clay on steep, south-facing, gorge slopes, but Scotts Grove was a mesie woodland on level silt loam .
(6) The north side has some very good silty clay loam , while the southwest corner is very sandy.
(7) Good soil structure is one that is equally balanced between sand, clay and loam .
(8) Fortunately, too, within forty miles we have a wide variety of soils and landscapes - sands, pines, loam , oaks, prairie.
(9) They prefer well-drained soil - either fine sandy clay or heavy loam that is slightly acid to neutral - but will grow in almost any soil so long as it's not too wet or acidic.
(10) Most soils are a mixture of clay, sand, and loam .
(11) This tough plant will grow in exposed or sheltered aspects and in acid, alkaline or neutral soil of chalk, clay, sand or loam as long as it doesn't get waterlogged.
(12) Liddell silt loam is classified as a coarse-silty, siliceous, subactive, acid, thermic typic endoaquept.
(13) The species occurs on sand, clay and loam , among low open woodland and in shrubland.
(14) Crabro advena nests in soils ranging from coarse sand and loamy fine sand to silty loam and gravelly loam .
(15) It can be seen from Table 3 that TF values for agricultural plants are normally within the range of 0.001-1 for mineral soils with textures of loam or clay.
(16) The soil is a silty clay loam and located in the Finger Lakes.
(17) Lodes of ore and inches of fertile loam have little bearing on a nation's prosperity and influence anymore.
(18) The Wellston series typically occurs on steep slopes with a shallow, acidic A horizon, while the Grantsburg silt loam typically occurs in long, narrow areas bordering or on ridgetops.
(19) A soil mixture composed of about 2 parts fertile loam , 1 part leaf mold or peat, and 1 part sand or perlite is recommended for growing African violets.
(20) At eight sites the soil texture was loam or light clay.