(1) A print produced by lithography,duplicator that prints by lithography,a flat surface (ofstone or metal) is treated to absorb or repel ink in thedesired pattern
(2) A print produced by lithography
(3) Duplicator that prints by lithography
(4) A flat surface (ofstone or metal) is treated to absorb or repel ink in thedesired pattern
(1) Make by lithography
(1) So a print is basically a lithograph , an etching, an engraving, a drawing on stone or metal that can then be printed.
(2) The 62-year-old artist, famous for his lithograph and etching prints, contributed a series of ink drawings of Shanghai for the exhibition.
(3) I think of all the disreputable low-cost manufacturers you might take this to and what they would say about this beautiful quarter walnut and multiple-layer laminate plywood: u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510Some lithographed laminate will look just as good.u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb
(4) By the time he died in 1973 he had produced a substantial body of original etchings, lithographs and linocuts, which rank with the greatest prints of the 20th Century.
(5) These posters were lithographed by the hundreds of thousands and pasted onto both doors of every freight car leaving the ports.
(6) The game - sometimes with a game board, sometimes without - consisted of decks of lithographed cards on which were depicted comical or serious likenesses of women in pairs and a single u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510Old Maid.u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb
(7) Warhol not only painted and lithographed and sketched, he produced and he photographed, dabbling in both music (The Velvet Underground, Nico) and film.
(8) Other than paintings and sculptures, the artist produced a number of prints for which he used different techniques: lithographs , screenprints, etchings and woodcuts.
(9) Contrasting with the latter's refinement, lithographed illustrations were produced in large numbers and served as a powerful medium of popular iconography.
(10) The building also houses Flatbed Press, a publishing workshop that collaborates with artists to produce limited editions of original etchings, lithographs , woodcuts and monoprints.
(11) The quality of prints produced, only original serigraphs or lithographs , stands out in the industry to provide collectors with true works of art.
(12) Depicting a confident Houdini at the peak of his career, the stamp is based on a 1911 lithographed poster.
(13) Its price was $3 colored, and it was followed in 1850 by another Trobriand Niagara, The Falls of Niagara, which, lithographed by Leon Jean Baptiste Sabatier, cost only $2.50 colored.
(14) The 2,000-square-foot gallery is dedicated to exhibiting a full range of his fine art, including paintings, original stone lithographs , silk screens and giclees.
(15) Since draughtsmanship was the foundation of all his art, engravings, etchings, lithographs , linocuts, and drawings poured from him in astonishing quantity and quality.
(16) He applied his signature collage style to creating lithographs and silkscreen prints that combined familiar images from popular culture and current events in an original and radical manner.
(17) His graphic works consist of woodcuts, lithographs and etchings.
(18) Despite the considerable number of Arabic lithographed books and their importance to scholarship, this form of printed literature has received little attention.
(19) As the photograph began rendering lithographed and engraved views obsolete, it would be up to others to exploit the change.
(20) This Memorandum outlines and explains the methods by which the value for duty of printed or lithographed matter of paper is determined.