(1) Vocals feature more frequently, too, though more for their harmonic qualities and instrumental timbre than for any literal meanings they might convey.
(2) This abuse is perhaps only the most literal expression of the punishment our culture imposes on bodies that dare to transgress from the socially prescribed norms.
(3) In this article it is the u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510moral sensibilityu251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb that is of interest, and we consider the paintings not as literal records of historical or social experience but as documents of beliefs.
(4) Coming from a footballer in his prime, however, with two small children and a third on the way, the expression undergoes a vigorously literal restoration.
(5) As I understand it, this isn't allegory, but literal truth, a prophecy that will someday be realised.
(6) Now here's a literal translation of Der Spiegel's text.
(7) For a more literal expression of the separation of the exhibition function from the office function go east to White Cube in Hoxton Square.
(8) The teleplay begins as a simulated documentary about the impact of a nuclear strike on Sheffield, but ends up as a coolly Bergmanesque vision of a literal hell on earth.
(9) There's a conflation of two senses of the word u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510criminalu251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb: the literal sense and the metaphorical.
(10) If it collapses, it may be in the literal sense rather than the economic.
(11) Lighting of lamps has the meaning of eliminating the darkness in the literal sense, and metaphorically it means to overcome and gain the knowledge of Enlightenment.
(12) He made my life a literal Hell, and he hurt us in more ways than just physical.
(13) These are new recordings, and not literal duplications of what can be heard on the original film soundtracks.
(14) This disease, known popularly as u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510rat feveru251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb, which is the literal translation of its name in Malayalam, has been claiming many lives.
(15) Well, he most likely doesn't mean that in a literal sense.
(16) This is a literal translation; the term does not necessarily refer to an old woman, but rather to the wisest member of a family, regardless of gender.
(17) He shames all the abstract artists, if you ask me; he finds the abstract in the literal , which is much more difficult.
(18) This imagery can best be described as a concrete or literal form of representation, at least in comparison to the more abstract one found within Protestant religious practice.
(19) The main reason is the bricks-and-mortar approach, in the metaphorical and literal senses.
(20) They sometimes choose to mix up a literal translation of some such texts with what are Islamic legal provisions in the true sense of that terminology.