TV series example of the word

The Big Bang Theory Season 1, Episode 1
কমল, পদ্মফুল, নলিন, পদ্মফুলের গাছ
(1) Any liliaceous plant of the genus Lilium having showy pendulous flowers
(1) Nonephemerals that bloom during the summer or fall are Canada lily , false hellebore, and species of aster, goldenrod, and sunflower.
(2) Occasionally religious symbols appear, such as a rose or lily , which in Christian mysticism indicate two streams of spiritual consciousness.
(3) Another plant associated with the celebrations is the Peruvian lily called Alstroemeria, u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510The Golden Jubilee Lilyu251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb.
(4) The Snowdon lily and the Welsh poppy are neck-and-neck in Caernarvonshire.
(5) This is an excellent time for planting the Madonna lily .
(6) The Jacanas are totally adapted to wetland habitats with floating vegetation like lotus, lily , hydrilla and wetland rushes.
(7) The tulip is followed in popularity by the daffodil and other narcissi, the gladiolus, the lily and the crocus.
(8) Your gaze rushes along the angel's body, down the outstretched arm, and along the stem of the lily he is offering the Virgin.
(9) He approached a vase of flowers and pulled on the stem of the white lily .
(10) They, in turn, supported a vetro a reticello basin in which blown-glass winged dragons clustered around a tall glass trumpet lily spouting water.
(11) Situated at the edge of Loch Dunvegan, the garden is extensive with a parterre, and woodland areas planted with Himalayan blue poppies and the Himalayan lily Cardiocrinum.
(12) Another very hardy summer bulbous plant is the zephyranthes lily .
(13) U251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510The badge does indeed combine the silhouette of the Eiffel Tower with a cradle and the fleur de lis, or lily ,u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb explains Tim Pike.
(14) That oasis includes palm trees, a peace lily , a corn plant, even a pachira plant - a so-called money tree.
(15) Two plants that thrive on very little water are the impala lily and the reed stem orchid.
(16) The steps of the church were laden with bundles of palm leaves, creamy Madonna lilies and other traditional Easter blooms.
(17) Nico and Jean will take us on a tour of their facilities showing us the expanse of daffodils, tulips, lilies and delphiniums.
(18) Borland takes me on a tour of the back end of the distillery, where the waste water is filtered through reed beds full of bulrushes and lilies .
(19) They threw me flowers at curtain call tonight: tulips and lilies .
(20) Guernsey lilies make excellent cut flowers and are a terrific addition to rock gardens and container gardens.
The Big Bang Theory Season 1, Episode 1