অভিধানকার, আভিধালেখক, অভিধানলেখক, শব্দকোষ-সঙ্কলক
(1) A compiler or writer of a dictionary; a student of the lexical component of language
(2) A compiler or writer of a dictionary
(3) A student of the lexical component of language
(4) Dictionary writer
(1) He's no empty-headed pop culture cheerleader, though - he takes a lexicographer 's delight in language, and is a self-confessed history geek.
(2) When you cannot remember what sedulous means, or you want to find out why somebody called you a hellion, you do not have to bother opening the dictionary or calling your local lexicographer .
(3) For example, the editors of the Oxford English Dictionary liken the lexicographer to the naturalist.
(4) I bought this because I'd toyed with it for ages - the story of a lexicographer who also happened to be a psychopath.
(5) Of course, a dictionary does not represent the lexicographer 's own language use.
(6) Indeed, it is more a work of hopeful multicultural idealism than a dictionary in the lexicographer 's sense.
(7) As for our ever-expanding vocabulary, lexicographers cannot data mine the information tsunami fast enough to record each new tech term entering the mainstream.
(8) Compensation is now a mental disease that will challenge the lexicographers of medical dictionaries to define a mindset which I can only describe as compensationitis.
(9) Ghost words are created accidentally by lexicographers , and when they are exposed they generally fade away.
(10) In both instances, Hebrew and English dictionaries, the lexicographers have paid no attention to the insights and distinctions of medical anthropologists.
(11) That is why they have come to the attention of the lexicographers .
(12) Once we have secured exclusive rights to the word, the Minister for Education should seek an audience with the lexicographers at the Oxford English Dictionary with a view to getting the word entered into the dictionary.
(13) Later lexicographers were less coy than Johnson.
(14) Mathematicians have wrestled with this question (which is more complex than most laypeople would likely think), but now it turns out that lexicographers have, too.
(15) Contributors range from in-house lexicographers and editors to consultants whose specialist subjects include science, business and finance, law, education, religion and pharmacology.
(16) It might even be argued that the work has already been done, namely by the lexicographers , and has been incorporated into the larger dictionaries of the better studied languages.
(17) These eminent lexicographers reckon that the golden days of literacy have past.
(18) On the other hand, lexicographers apparently find no evidence that this was in fact the word's origin.
(19) Historical lexicographers , like myself, even look down on what is regarded as the Golden Age of Language.
(20) Webster's lexicographers thus might say that because a residence can be a u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510business establishment,u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb a residence can be viewed as a u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510retail pet storeu251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb if dogs are sold there.