(1) That's a lethal combination when you're required to spend two hours with someone in a car.
(2) Without the respectability that lethal injection provides, capital punishment in the United States would probably cease.
(3) Many dogs like the sweet smell and taste and, unfortunately, even very small amounts can be lethal to them.
(4) Add to that an unhealthy dose of shame at her previous level of comfort, and you had a lethal combination.
(5) The synthetically lethal combinations could not be analyzed because they did not grow under any conditions.
(6) Although scorpion stings can be devastatingly painful, they are not usually lethal to humans.
(7) Such a hostile chemical environment would likely prove lethal to all known microbes.
(8) Antibiotics are medicines that are lethal to bacteria that cause infections.
(9) Who's to say that a substance lethal to rats would necessarily have the same effect on humans?
(10) In sufficient quantities its spores can be lethal to humans.
(11) In fact, oxidative stress may progress to such an extent that it becomes lethal .
(12) The gas acts like mustard gas, and can prove lethal to those with respiratory problems.
(13) All four incidents involving the potentially lethal weapon happened within the space of an hour in Grimsby.
(14) Friday was a bizarre affair, fuelled by a lethal combination of beer, wine, Jack Daniels and vodka.
(15) The offender appears to sleep peacefully before the lethal dose of poison is administered.
(16) In our schools, too, we should emphasize that it will be lethal to take the earth for granted.
(17) They're exposed every day to potentially lethal doses of anthrax.
(18) Added to that is booze, which can make a lethal combination when added to football, causing fights and car accidents.
(19) The lethal combination of peak hour traffic and rain had resulted in chaos on the roads.
(20) It's not just inactivity that makes excess TV-watching lethal to your waistline.