(1) In other words, the big killers in Scotland are the legal drugs - tobacco and alcohol.
(2) He contends the rules for marijuana should be the same as for legal drugs and should place the onus on the individual.
(3) Who would have thought legal drugs could ever be so dangerous?
(4) Certainly, the appellant does not bear any moral, as distinct from legal , responsibility for what occurred.
(5) Researchers told a group of top athletes they were taking a legal drug that is known to boost performance and allow them to run faster.
(6) Complaints requiring legal action will be forwarded to the Ministry of Justice.
(7) The challenge to the Decision is based on two legal foundations.
(8) The native legal system existed in its fullness before the ninth century.
(9) They got legal advice
(10) He said he had complied at all times with the Commissions' legal requirements.
(11) It used to be impossible to prove that the legal system produces wrongful convictions.
(12) You should get your independent contractor agreement in writing, although that is not a legal requirement.
(13) It also enables legal recognition to be given to a broad range of family structures and relationships.
(14) Once that decision is made, airlines will then have a year to put their houses in order, before the new legal requirements come into force.
(15) The government have the proof of the dangers of smoking, yet this is a legal drug.
(16) The reason is that our modern, Westminster-style legal system is based not on justice, but on laws.
(17) 26 Women were more likely to turn to equity courts than common law ones for legal resolution.
(18) When he saw something of note, he scrawled it on a folded up piece of yellow legal paper he kept in his coat pocket.
(19) Sudler handed Mr Cool a sheet of yellow legal paper and sauntered out.
(20) The number of workers required for a legal strike to go ahead is often too high.