(1) What does the poor lad have to talk about?
(2) It isn't paramilitaries but guys acting the lad till someone hits them a smack in the gob and that's all it is.
(3) Tony was a bit of a lad u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00c2always had an eye for the women
(4) On hanging up his silks he became head lad to Mick Burke before serving his apprenticeship with Charlie Weld.
(5) One lad to three horses was the norm when I started back in the 60s, and it has cost us to carry so many bodies, but it is the way I want to work.
(6) Thomas plays Baz Wainwright, a troubled lad who has serious problems at home that spill over into school.
(7) I have to say that Nathan isn't generally regarded as a bad lad .
(8) Will this be the season the local lad comes good?
(9) As travelling head lad to the late Gordon Richards, he had just watched Hallo Dandy win the 1984 Grand National.
(10) My first memory was when I was 15 and went down with Bobby Oxley, the main travelling lad for Arthur Stephenson.
(11) Hooter is a bit of a lad with the gals; at least that's what Hooter thinks.
(12) I suppose the current consensus is AP McCoy, and he's a terrific lad , but he hasn't won the National.
(13) Come in, lad, and shut the door
(14) Whilst the lad may be a decent rider, he is a very poor jockey.
(15) I think the lad has got genuine potential.
(16) Years ago, before the house was a hotel, it was owned by the parents of Mickey Walsh, a lad Christy was at school with.
(17) Kandidate's effort was all the more meritorious for the fact that he dropped his lad and ran loose for a mile on the gallops yesterday morning.
(18) The lad then gave me directions to go and visit Rummy at his own stables whenever I wanted and happily I did so on two more occasions before his death.
(19) Bob McGonagle, the lad , appeared to be fighting him as soon as he left the saddling area for the parade ring.
(20) A worried looking lad with a red face appears at the door dressed only with a towel around his waist.