ত্তষ্ঠদ্বারা গঠিত, ত্তষ্ঠদ্বারা উচ্চার্য, ত্তষ্ঠ্য, ত্তষ্ঠ-সংক্রান্ত
ত্তষ্ঠ্য ধ্বনি, ত্তষ্ঠ্য বর্ণ
(1) Of or relating to the lips of the mouth
(2) Relating to or near the female labium
(1) A consonant whose articulation involves movement of the lips
(1) Moreover, the labial cusps of Desmatodon are not as strongly developed as those in Diadectes.
(2) The P4 has a small parastyle and the labial side of this tooth is longer than the lingual side.
(3) The lingual part of the transverse valley is slightly deeper than the labial part.
(4) Enamel is confined to the anterior and labial surface of the crown.
(5) Expression is seen, however, in the tips of the antennae, maxillary and labial palps, and legs.
(6) The only external structures are the labial palps; in some groups, there are sensory tentacles and photoreceptors at the edge of the mantle.
(7) The labial and lingual surfaces are either more or less smooth, or covered with fine anastomosing striae.
(8) The paracone is the largest labial cusp, up to twice the height of the parastyle; the cusps posterior to it decrease evenly in size.
(9) The crests of the ectoloph run to stylar cusps on the labial side of the tooth.
(10) That seems to be a complete invention, as both the sound and the video seem to me to indicate that there is a final labial consonant.
(11) Ankylosis is normally on the labial side of the tooth only, or on the labial side and at the bottom of the groove.
(12) The organic particles are separated by size in sorting areas on the labial palps and are then directed into the mouth.
(13) I guess that the great typological difference in the use of labials can speak for the great genetic difference in AmerIndian languages.
(14) After the labially impacted maxillary canine has been uncovered, the tooth must be moved into the dental arch.
(15) Each tab is sized and fastened to the wire mesh to permit the dentist to pull labially on the tab, forcing the wire mesh into interproximal spaces, against the lingual surfaces, in spite of crowding.
(16) But some plurals are formed by labialising the first consonant of the stem, which is typical of Plateau languages, though not, curiously of Izere, its nearest neighbour.
(17) Thus, the broad versus slender contrast may, in the weak voiced labials , be labelled as u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510w versus vu251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb, but in the strong voiced labials as u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510round b versus spread bu251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb.
(18) Viewed labially , the cusp is often skewed to one side or the other but the lateral profile remains stable.
(19) Chapter 4 describes cases where coronals undergo assimilation but dorsals and labials do not.
(20) The lower Incisor teeth in the Lengua, but not the upper ones, are more labially inclined than those of the Caucasoids.