(1) He says it kindly , and I think that he might actually respect my opinion.
(2) Imagine his surprise on Christmas Eve when he opened his post, only to see the bank had kindly sent him on a brand spanking new chequebook - for pounds.
(3) The child know that he or she is loved because in these kindly acts and gentle deeds, love is conveyed, beyond words.
(4) As one of this country's great achievers, he was also a friendly, approachable and kindly man who gave great encouragement to others in his field.
(5) Well, we spoke before the break and you very kindly gave us your frank and honest overall view that that particular recommendation had not been handled well or at all.
(6) Customers often asked the kindly gentleman to help crack their problems, which could be anything from domestic quarrels to housing disputes.
(7) If there is some other reason for offering the staff money, kindly explain.
(8) Jack Clancy of Clancy's Bar has kindly provided generous sponsorship to subsidise transport to Coleraine.
(9) Prime Minister, would you kindly explain why taxes must rise?
(10) I called out for a doctor or vet and a kindly gentleman stepped forward with a cat under one arm, a Labrador on a leash and what looked like a rather confident swordfish without a sword on the end of its nose.
(11) The father she remembers was a warm, kindly person for whom no one ever had a bad word - a man devoted to his four daughters.
(12) He asked his mom, who kindly informed us that it would be blackfish, a fairly popular fish in many parts of Asia.
(13) Michael, or Girders, as he was affectionately known, was a good father and grandad, kindly neighbour and friend.
(14) He had a gentle, kindly manner, twinkling eyes and quick smile, a keen sense of humour and a penetrating wit.
(15) We are requesting the public to kindly organise a Coffee Day in your own home, work place, or local area.
(16) And maybe some people will join because they feel lonely and want to be part of a group that treats them kindly and with respect.
(17) They are always kindly , protective, helpful and understanding, honoring the mother spirit within women.
(18) Evidently he's heard about kindly respectful paparazzi and wants to test the water.
(19) Can someone kindly explain to me what all the recent fuss is about on the freedom pass issue.
(20) With due respect to your person I kindly wish to ask for your attention and consideration just for a while.