(1) This may allow non-breeding animals to pass along the genes they share with their kin by helping in the rearing of young.
(2) Extended family and kin are an important part of the social structure of the republic.
(3) They would have seen themselves as intellectually kin to men who do not figure in these lists - priests or scholars who had on the face of it no great philosophical interest.
(4) Smaller herbivorous dinosaurs, however, may have fed to a greater extent than their larger kin on plants defended by qualitative toxins.
(5) That is, men interact with their wives' kin as individuals rather than as representatives of their corporate Houses.
(6) Most families are in practice extended, with elderly or other kin in the household and other relatives nearby.
(7) Juvenile salmon clearly avoided kin when they shared shelters and preferred to associate with unrelated conspecifics.
(8) Neoreligious communities have emerged in which people are guided to the other side to communicate with deceased family members and kin .
(9) From the moment of birth an infant is showered with attention and care by family members and extended kin .
(10) The family also teaches that kin are the appropriate source of friendly companionship.
(11) This often makes mutual aid and small business formation a whole family strategy, encompassing extended and mythical kin with geographical or social ties in the sending country.
(12) Most households are not nuclear families, but contain other kin as well.
(13) At every level of society a person looks to family and kin for both social identity and succor.
(14) As is the case with many blended or separated families, children don't always understand the relationships between kin .
(15) In gathering information about who lives in the home and who fulfills family roles, it is important to assess for the involvement of extended family and non-blood kin .
(16) A powerful deterrent to deviant behavior is that such behavior brings shame to one's family and kin and is considered sinful.
(17) The preceding plants form a grade between the lineages considered in Lab 9 (conifers, Ginkgo and Cordaites) and the flowering plants and their kin .
(18) Family and kin are the primary focus of an individual's loyalties and identity.
(19) They are kin to dragons from when humans first settled on Pern.
(20) Precisely how fishes and other animals recognize kin is hotly debated in the scientific community.