(1) U251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510Don't go overboard with the gratitude,u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb he rejoined with heavy irony
(2) It involved the use of that very English form of expression known as irony .
(3) You can not express irony or metaphor effectively in ticker-tape speech.
(4) Schlegel's Romantic irony was a reaction to the systematic thought of Kant.
(5) The irony is that the farming methods causing the drainage will result in their own demise, as they use up the topsoil and render the ground infertile.
(6) With deliberate irony , they also echo corporate efforts at conveying information efficiently.
(7) The filmmakers used the city's motto u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510Let Glasgow Flourishu251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb as the film's title with deliberate irony .
(8) But the jokes, slang and heavy irony that make up the established banter of the building trade could be heading for extinction.
(9) To add irony to injury, his reselection was itself a result of an injury to the captain Jason Robinson.
(10) His behaviour is a perfect expression of courtesy and good feeling with a spice of irony in it.
(11) A tale of two cities, heavy with irony and laden with symbolism, was played out over the summer.
(12) But perhaps the most bitter and disturbing irony is that the best surf tends to arrive during the winter.
(13) U251cu00f6u251cu00e7u252cu00faDon't go overboard with the gratitude,u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00ff he rejoined with heavy irony
(14) The second, appended to the first half with humorous irony , was apparently intended to mean what it sounded like.
(15) There's plenty of irony in seeing one monopoly accuse another monopoly of restricting users' choices.
(16) By this point in the movie, Banek can only laugh with caustic irony at this diatribe.
(17) In a case of savage irony , Yost ended up supervising the termination of many of the engineers he helped to hire.
(18) Those who don't know him better could be forgiven for missing the irony in that expression.
(19) The final dialogue, Imperceptible, is a darkly humorous piece of irony .
(20) The irony of the growing shortage is that in responding to it, China could soon find itself with too much capacity.