(1) Religious services were held at sunrise - part of the priest's duty being to invoke the planetary deity of the day.
(2) In Wicca, we also invoke deities into our circles.
(3) Berrigan and Charnov invoke field data supporting such a correlation, but they call the appearance of a tradeoff between these two parameters a major puzzle.
(4) Can I use a Java application instead of a JSP (JavaServer Page) to invoke a servlet on an application server?
(5) To invoke a deity, power, or spirit is to allow yourself to become a u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510tubeu251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb that passes energy and wisdom though your body so that others may receive it.
(6) Back then the same arguments were used to invoke the people to vote, the same grim scenario of a hardliner-dominated regime who would stifle all the progress made were told and retold again and again.
(7) Say, does someone around here knows anything about the Maori dance to invoke the [spirit/soul/strength] of your ancestors?
(8) The dangri's role is to invoke the local protective Deities who enter into and occupy the body of the dhami.
(9) I continue to invoke the Holy Spirit; I rely on the Word.
(10) I think the whole question of whether certain spiritual practices or philosophies inevitably lead you to invoke a particular spirit is the one that's crucial to me.
(11) And those who support the penalty readily invoke the wishes of the grieving mother who cries out for the blood of her baby's killer.
(12) In support of this claim, they invoke the archaic Greeks, often citing Hesiod's Works and Days, among other classical sources.
(13) Finally, based on our relation with the master and the wisdom deity, we also invoke the assistance of the dharma protectors, who embody action principles of awareness.
(14) To make exclusions - to excuse the invaders - is to invoke a moral difference argument, which I don't believe a democracy can tolerate.
(15) It is believed that the word samba is derived from a West African Bantu word, meaning to pray or invoke the spirits of their ancestors.
(16) It will also be able to add quietly and effectively to its own wealth and to the wealth of its favorite groups, and without incurring the wrath that taxes often invoke .
(17) But when the Goddess was invoked by the priestess, I felt what I had always experienced as the Holy Spirit come down.
(18) The only possible operation is to read data when Read-Only Mode is invoked .
(19) It is not, however, only a matter of when the Spirit is invoked , but how the action of the Spirit is understood in baptism and in confirmation.
(20) The drama of his stylistic transformation, from explainer to invoker , says something about the oddity and confidence of this poet.