(1) (of a woman
(2) Must be kept sacred
(3) (of a woman) having the hymen unbroken
(1) Is it a country where the line between church and state bequeathed to us by our Founding Fathers should be inviolate ?
(2) The customers come and go, but the privacy of Mathilde and Antoine's world remains as inviolate as the inside of somebody's head.
(3) There was no general privilege that attached to documents brought into existence for the purposes of litigation independent of the need to keep inviolate communications between client and legal adviser.
(4) The concept of inviolate national sovereignty yielded to new mechanisms for the international enforcement of human rights.
(5) But instead he chose to treat Eric's comments as an attack by an inviolate expert witness and to emphasise the negatives.
(6) This notion of sovereignty considers inviolate the internal affairs of nations.
(7) Like the 2-party system itself, there is little reason to argue that corporate charters are inviolate .
(8) Government would remain in charge of public safety, but the evidence on which they based their strategy would be objective and inviolate .
(9) Technically faultless and inviolate this is as smooth as painting gets at the start of the 21st century.
(10) The two instead experience a u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510precious, inviolate , and genuineu251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb relationship free from the burdens of racial representation.
(11) Such criticism leaves the basic functions of the dominant stratum inviolate .
(12) There is no engagement or invitation to the viewer, these women are self-sufficient and contained, inviolate even.
(13) Whatever moral authority we may have to allow or disallow other nations to possess weapons of mass destruction rests on our inviolate commitment to use our weapons only in self-defense.
(14) Others, including censorship watchdogs, believe that free speech is not inviolate irrespective of what is said or sung, and that there is such a thing as the abuse of free speech.
(15) The mere existence of such a throwback in the modern world suggests an inviolate timelessness.
(16) We do not sterilise people who have been convicted of violent offences against children because, however gruesome their crime, their person must remain inviolate .
(17) They both have an inviolate place into which no other can fit.
(18) But the wall that split photography's discursive territory into an aesthetic-commercial-public realm, on the one hand, and home duty, on the other, remained inviolate .
(19) Think of the recognised classics of American cinema and they seem organic, inviolate .
(20) For the last few years Howard's entire political program has been based on the premise that Australia's sovereignty is not only absolute but inviolate , untouchable, a veritable law of nature.