(1) His powers of invention were rather limited
(2) Always remember that moving from an interesting but vague idea, to specific and actionable is the difficult part of creation and invention .
(3) Think also of our creative invention in the languages that we know well.
(4) To him, the process of invention seems the best possibility for mankind, no matter how harebrained, unreasonable or hilarious the scheme.
(5) You know my story is an invention
(6) He represents two human figures of his own textual invention and creation whose particular forms make up the variables of his experiments: the body of a blind woman and that of a hunchback man.
(7) These are the paintings which seem to me to proclaim Rembrandt's powers of invention and execution as of a different order from contemporaries and pupils.
(8) As a starting point for the process of invention he began with a kernel of fact, often based on a highly selective response to the archaeological data.
(9) If the invention of such a story would be possible, it would have been imitated many, many times; one just can't invent such a story and get away with it.
(10) The development of new technology was always a matter of invention - of creative solutions.
(11) Schoenberg opened the flood gates of creative invention and, along the way, may have driven a schism between composers and their audiences.
(12) The promotion of renewable energy resources and energy conservation through technological invention provides one example of success.
(13) By far his most successful invention was the process which bears his name for making steel - previously an expensive material in short supply - available in bulk.
(14) Despite the praise given to Burgess's powers of invention , much of his work derives from real-life scenarios.
(15) He seduces us easily with the mythology of their marriage, its collaborative fictional invention .
(16) Thomas Edison's first invention was a tabulation device that showed visitors to a state legislature exactly how lawmakers were voting on every bill.
(17) The invention , the story, the gags make it all irresistible and completely satisfying.
(18) The cobbler's work became easier with Lyman Reed Blake's invention of a sewing machine that sewed the soles of shoes to their upper parts in 1858.
(19) Church elders speak with pride of the 403 toilets and, in particular, of their own invention , a machine capable of dispensing 40 cups of communion wine every two seconds.
(20) Tolkien was more preoccupied with his invention of an artificial mythology than with character development.