(1) Illogicality as a consequence of having a conclusion that does not follow from the premisses
(1) On balance, it seems to me that the fact that a theory may be spread but has been roundly rejected is much stronger evidence of the theory's invalidity than is the legal judgment that the theory may not be spread.
(2) If the opposition were serious about this bill, it would not be exposing its amendments to such risk of invalidity .
(3) Another step forward was the progressive declarations of invalidity extended to certain laws, decrees, and edicts issued in Stalin's time.
(4) In the colonies the long periods of leave and high invalidity and mortality levels led to constant changes of resident engineer, which made the supervision of construction staff difficult.
(5) Such a legislative change per se cannot be unconstitutional in the absence of some further invalidity .
(6) Both disorders were a major cause of invalidity from the forces.
(7) One consequence of this potential intermingling of contribution can be the difficulty, if not invalidity , of art historical attempts to attribute authorship to an individual artist.
(8) He points out the statistical invalidity of a study of a mere nine cases.
(9) Hinsas claimed that he was only a cart driver because he had been invalided back from the front a few weeks previously, but the source of his invalidity was far from clear.
(10) There is some Anglo-American authority that repos constitute a loan on security, with consequences such as invalidity through a failure to register as such.
(11) Amendments may include adding or removing a ground of opposition/revocation or invalidity or correcting information contained therein.
(12) They are intended to provide cover for all the persons to whom they apply, against the risks of sickness, old age, death and invalidity , regardless of their financial status and their state of health at the time of affiliation.
(13) The alternative was to ask workers to contribute to an insurance scheme throughout their working life which supported them when they succumbed to invalidity or the infirmities of age.
(14) The five categories of risk are sickness, invalidity , old age, accidents at work and occupational diseases, and finally unemployment.
(15) I concede, thanks to several readers, the statistical invalidity of my original comparison, given the disparity in numbers between Chrisitians and Jews.].
(16) If it could not incorporate an ethnic minority, then it said something of the validity or the invalidity of the system.
(17) Duchamp was a Frenchman born in 1887 who managed to skip the first world war by feigning invalidity and resettled himself in New York in 1915.
(18) He was a reforming works and pensions secretary who must tackle the thorny problems of invalidity and provision for old age.
(19) Clause 4 provides that the validations to prevent expiry do not cure invalidity .
(20) In between there will be various degrees of plausibility in the argument for invalidity ; and the Judge must be guided by his preliminary conclusion on the point.